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10 Myths about Abortion

Aug 24, 2019

Ingrid Skop, M.D. is Dr. Pfanstiel’s oldest daughter and a practicing OBGYN in San Antonio Texas.  She has spoken out about the health risks to women that abortion presents.  She has spoken at the UN, Texas Capitol and throughout the country.  She recently had a booklet she wrote published by the Family Research Council.

Here is a link to her article “Top 10 Myths About Abortion.”

She received her Bachelor of Science in physiology from Oklahoma State University, and her medical doctorate from Washington University School of Medicine.  She completed her residency in OB/GYN at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, and is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and an active member of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists. In over twenty years of private practice, she has cared for many women who have been harmed, physically and emotionally, from complications due to abortion.  She has provided expert witness testimony to the Texas legislature in favor of restrictions on the procedure of abortion, in order to enhance patient safety.  She firmly believes that women are best served by education and effective contraception, in order to reduce the rates of unintended pregnancy and abortion.  Toward that goal, she serves on the board of Healthy Futures of Texas, which provides high school and college level sex education emphasizing abstinence, reliable contraception, healthy relationships and good decision making.  She founded a nonprofit, The Contraceptive Initiative, to help women obtain access to the most reliable forms of birth control-long acting reversible contraception.  She also serves on the board of Any Woman Can, a pregnancy resource center that provides support and free counseling to women in crisis.  She is also active on the San Antonio Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Committee, Impact San Antonio, a women’s philanthropic organization, and the Parent-Teacher Organization of Keystone School.  She and her husband, Brian, a psychiatrist, are proud parents of two sons and a daughter.